Ensuring Child Safety

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Ensuring Child Safety:

Every child deserves to grow up in a secure and nurturing environment. At The Good Balyam Orphan Mission, we hold a strong commitment to the safety and well-being of the children under our care. We diligently strive to create a sanctuary where students are not only safe but are also treated with unwavering respect and dignity.

In alignment with both Indian and international regulations for child protection, we have developed a comprehensive set of policies. These policies have been crafted with the invaluable guidance and support of numerous reputable organizations and professional experts to ensure the utmost safety and welfare of the children we serve.


Our Commitment to Transparency:

We firmly believe that when it comes to the safety of children, no one should be solely responsible for their own commitment to transparency. Our policies are designed to foster a collective commitment to safety among our leadership, children, visitors, and volunteers. We aim to cultivate a culture of safety practices that become a natural and integral part of our organization at all levels.

Child Safety at the Core:

Protecting the Vulnerable

Our policies align with the legal framework of Indian laws and embrace the core principles enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child..

A Life's Lessons

With years of experience in child care, our vigilant team closely monitors all interactions among staff, volunteers, visitors, and children to promptly address any signs of potential abuse.

The Digital Watchdogs

We maintain around-the-clock closed-circuit TV camera systems in all public areas across our compound to enhance the safety and security of our children.

Raising Safety Awareness

We collaborate with social workers and both national and international organizations to provide comprehensive safety awareness training to our staff and children.

Zero Room for Compromise

We firmly believe in maintaining an unwavering commitment to the protection of children. Our no-tolerance policy leaves no space for those who may intend harm to our children.

The Art of Screening

We rigorously screen all volunteers and visitors, with over 90% of applicants being declined after thorough reference checks.


While Save the Children appreciates monthly donations where you choose to donate a small fixed amount monthly for us to be able to plan our programmes for a longer term, a single donation can also help save a child.

You can donate as low as INR 500 per month.