Mission Statement

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Mission Statement

Founded in 2007, the Balyam Orphan Children Mission stands as a steadfast and independent non-governmental organization dedicated to the betterment of vulnerable individuals. Over the years, we have wholeheartedly embraced the role of providing essential support to those in need. Our mission casts a wide net, encompassing diverse areas of focus. We extend our helping hand to individuals affected by leprosy, equipping them with vital resources for a more dignified life. We invest in vocational training, recognizing the power of skills and knowledge in transforming lives. Education is a cornerstone of our work, empowering children with the tools to envision a brighter future. Additionally, our commitment to disaster relief underscores our readiness to provide critical assistance when crises strike.

The Mission is committed to providing a nurturing and caring environment for every child under its care. We diligently strive to create a loving home and foster a sense of belonging, while also nurturing a spirit of responsibility within every member of our organization. Our ultimate aim is to promote healthy family relationships and ensure the well-being of the children we serve.

Our commitment to the world is encapsulated in a five-fold promise:


We pledge to hold the priceless value of every child's life in the highest regard, consistently prioritizing their needs above our own.

We vow to maintain the highest ethical standards in our work, ensuring honesty and accountability in our reports regarding those we assist.

We acknowledge that none of our achievements would be possible without the steadfast support of our donors, friends, and volunteers.

We partner with various organizations, honor Indian diversity, and empower local communities for positive change.

We're committed to showing that every child, irrespective of their needs, deserves a nurturing childhood and unwavering care.